Yesterday a number of us sang carols at the WN Feast Christmas Fair as well as hosting a stall in support of the Norwood & Brixton Foodbank.
Now, I shouldn't be singing in public anywhere but, praise God, there were enough people to drown me out and provide a great backdrop to the Fair with a selection of well known carols.

The Fair at St Luke's was very busy with a number of food and craft stalls, as well as our own stall in aid of Foodbank.
Two years ago we ran a stall that didn't do so well, only cards for Foodbank really sold. So last year we dedicated the stall to raising funds for the Foodbank, selling 'certificates', that allowed people to buy a worthwhile gift for a family member or friend, and supporting the Foodbank at the same time.
This year we did the same, and have raised over £700 for the work of the Foodbank. Lots of people wanted to just donate to the Foodbank without taking a 'certificate', as it seemed people wanted to give and just needed the avenue to be able to do so.
We were delighted to be providing that opportunity. Thanks to everyone involved: from the sellers and stall hosts to the singers and players too.