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Welcome to Chatsworth

​We want to be a people and place where you can belong;  we want to be a family who seek to follow Jesus, from our worship on Sunday to our homes and workplaces on Monday.​ â€‹ Work still in progress of course, but come and join the journey!



We're part of God's family here in West Norwood, a Christian witness in the area since 1878.


We come from far and wide, a multi cultural community of our own, with over 30 languages and nations represented here; from almost every church background, together with those who have no previous church experience.



Rev. Winston Sylvah

Winston has been part of Chatsworth for 20 years or more... he's a preacher and teacher, & involved in pastoral care... and a husband and father too!



One of our distinctive features as a Church is that we baptise people by immersion.


We do this because Jesus did it and commanded us to do likewise, but it's a symbolic and special act that signifies so much:


- as Jesus died on the cross for our sin & selfishness, it symbolises his going into the water (and ours too)

- Jesus rose from the dead, and we get to come out of the water! It speaks of a new life

- Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit at his baptism; and it's His Spirit that we need to live this new life.

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Rev. Richard Marzetti

Our Pastor started here in 2015 after 10 years serving in east London.


Pastor Richard is passionate about lives being transformed and soul music, probably in that order ;)


Pastor Richard is also a district minister, and you can contact him here:


Email: here

Twitter: @PastorRichCBC

Instagram: pastorrichcbc


Leadership Team

Our deacons serve for 3 year terms, elected by members. Often they are already serving in some capacity in the church, and their election to deacons is a reflection of that.

Our deacons are effectively legal trustees of the church as well as having spiritual oversight.


Quiet space

Quiet room for prayer and smaller prayer meetings



Rev. Chris Rose

Chris started here in 2013 as our youth pastor. We have now called him as a Minister.


He is into music and drumming, has previously set up a choir, and now runs a football team. All in a day's work  :)


Email here



We're part of the Baptist family, linked with about 300 other Baptist churches in London and millions of Baptist Christians worldwide.


As a Baptist church the gathering of members in a church meeting is where major decisions in the life of the church are made. These decisions will include the calling of Pastors and Deacons to serve in leadership here.


As a church our only source of funding (with the exception of a small amount of rental income) is what members give. We do not receive any income from outside agencies.

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